Monday, 16 March 2015

Another Myth About Obama Spreading Again.... -_-"'

Responsibility of Leaders

I do hold leaders with more responsibility over what they say because they have more influence on others. However, some are not careful and anyhow spread rumours that is not well supported. They tend to have selective reading and confirmation bias (believing that Obama is the Anti-Christ and one that is out to destroy Christians) in which they will pick words said by Obama out of context to say whatever they want to support their own views!

The Rumours

What is the rumour this time round? The claim that Obama is getting Americans to implant chips which is the Mark of the Beast as mentioned in the Book of Revelations. This is a myth! You can read it more here. Another rumour is that Obama declared USA as a Muslim country or plan to make it a Muslim country. Hey... stop being insensitive! We live in a multi-religious society, stop seeing it as a you-vs-me kind of thing. Read the context! Obama did say USA  given its huge population of Muslims may be one of the biggest Muslim countries in the world. You can refer to his speech in 2009 (yes, 2009, not 2014!) here. There is a reason for saying that. Perhaps he phrased it incorrectly but his intention is never to threaten Christian community and a pre-dominated Judeo-Christian American Society. The intention is to minimise the misconception people have about Islam and to draw Middle-East and the West closer together to minimise conflicts. People living in their confirmation bias will be quick to raise the alarm and create more fear and panic thus leading to even more conflicts. An article did highlight Obama's intention and perhaps his wrong phrasing of words too. You can read it here.

Beware of False Prophets?

Some people are so engrossed with End Times messages and do you know that something is mentioned about End Times? Bible mentioned about false Prophets misleading many. Think about it. False Prophets are our own people or people from outside? If it is from within, should we not be more careful about what we hear and not anyhow spread rumours? I do not mean leaders deliberately want to mislead. Sometimes when we are not careful and accepted rumours, we ended up being false teachers too without knowing it! I noticed that humans tend to be overly optimistic that its always others that will be misled but never ourselves. Christians in early days did convert to other religions following other leaders and this continues even today. Do not assume we are invulnerable.